Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Soup's On!

The weather has been appropriately Spring-like lately --warm and dry with very little wind -- perfect for playing outside.  There is a rush to get outside in the morning -- sometimes they have to be reminded to get dressed! -- and even Laurel heads for the door when she sees the boys going.  The squeals of delight as she chases the boys around the yard are enough to chase any clouds away.

Yesterday they boys put some snow in a bucket -- because they couldn't find any water -- and waited for it to boil.  "If we leave it in the sun long enough, it will boil Mama!" I was told ... still waiting.  When slush became "good enough", they added some chestnuts, grass, mud and whatever else they could find -- voila ... soup!  Today it was Laurel's turn to tend to the soup (which still hasn't boiled) and she seemed to take the job very seriously.   Here is what I learned:

Stirring is very important ...

... but sometimes, you just have to get your hands in there in order to get everything mixed up properly -- you know how it is.

 Then you need to taste it to make sure that the flavours are blending nicely.  Sometimes you need to taste it more than once ... if you want to make sure that it is perfect.

Add more of some things and remove the ones that aren't working for you.

 Get a second opinion when you are unsure if you've gotten it exactly right.

Perfect! Soup anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures & commentary. Laurel must have been thrilled to play outside with the boys.


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