Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Finishing Project

"There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and so on."  Robert Byrne

If your house is anything like mine, you have half done projects scattered around the house -- I'm not the only one, right?  I even have projects that I want to do that I've gathered supplies for, just waiting for "the right time".  The problem is that "the right time" never seems to find me.  There are always other things that seem to be more important, or there is not enough time to start something new, because you know that you will get called away to some emergency.  You know ... a missing piece of Lego (gasp!), or a zipper that just won't zip, or (my personal favourite) somebody did something to somebody else for absolutely no reason -- they were just standing there minding their own business -- and an impartial witness is required to pass judgement ... you know how it goes.  Before you know it, it's time to get supper ready and you need to clean the table off again because eating on the floor would be uncivilized (sigh!).

My point? ... um, I've lost it -- I've already been interrupted three times while writing this.  Right, My Finishing Project -- that's what I'm calling this.  My goal is to finish 4 projects this week that have been sitting around the house mocking me every time I walk by them.  I'm not going to tell you what there are yet (just in case regular life gets in the way), but I hope to have something to share with you everyday this week starting on Monday, with Friday reserved for "happiness".

I would love to have some company on this journey.  So pull out a project that you've been putting off and join me!  There are no rules, guidelines or even suggestions -- it's whatever you want it to be.  Please be sure to post a comment or send me a picture so that we can all celebrate our accomplishments!

Happy Finishing!

"He who begins many things finishes but few."   Italian Proverb
(I think that I'm in trouble!)


  1. I resolve to finish everything I star

  2. Oh, that is a challenge! I have so many projects on the go, that it'd be hard to know where to start :) I will take your challenge though and see how many I can get done as well! Happy projecting !!

  3. Were you looking in my house when you wrote this.... I vow.... who am I kidding - but I will keep plugging away.....


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