Okay, so the new year is upon us. Have you made any resolutions? Me? I would like to be more organized, both at home and in mind. I would like to live intentionally. I would like to have more time for the things that really matter to
me. In short, I would like to live a simpler life.
Sounds so ... simple, doesn't it? But when I think about all that "simple" implies, I get kind of overwhelmed. You too? This year I am resolving to make some of those changes that need to be made
One Bite at a Time. Are you with me?
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One Bite at a Time is an e-book written by Tsh Oxenreider. I have decided to use this great book as a jumping off point for making some changes and moving toward a simpler life. I don't remember how I first came across Tsh and her blog,
Simple Mom, but it has become one of my go-to places for inspiration and information for all things "simple". She writes gracefully and honestly about life with children and trying to juggle all the things that
need to be done, while searching for the right balance of work and play.

Tsh's new e-book,
One Bite at a Time -- 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler is just right for new year's resolutions like mine because it's divided into 52 projects -- one for every week of the year (how convenient). Each chapter contains great information to get you started and motivated. There are also links to other resources if you are looking to learn a little more about a certain project. I have been reading through my copy for a couple of months now but, shamefully, have not yet put many into practice. Well, that is all going to change starting today! The chapters are short and can be tackled in any order that suits you -- I am starting with chapter 39 (Create a Daily to-do list) and combining it with chapter 1 (Eat your Frog) -- see you can combine them too (the frog is fine, don't worry)! Some will be easy, some will be hard, and some I will skip altogether. But that is the beauty of this book, you can take what is relevant to you and apply it to your life in a manner that suits you.
So that is my plan for the New Year. If you would like to join me, simply click on any of the links (where you can find lots more information and a sample chapter to peruse) in this post or in the right sidebar -- until January 10th, it's only $4. I hope to be able to report regularly (dare I say weekly?) on what and how I am doing. Feel free to join in the conversation and share what your resolutions are and how you are doing. I'm off to decide what flavour of frog I will eat tomorrow!
Related Posts : books,
looks interesing. I'm interested in hearing how you like eating frogs. :)