We have a fairly regular tradition around here of a weekly pizza and movie night. Sometimes it's Friday, sometimes, like tonight, it's Saturday. On these occasions, we set up in front of the TV either picnic style or at our little table. Since Laurel became mobile, we've had fewer picnic style nights because she tends to park herself in the middle of everything which often results in spilled milk (which I try not to cry over).
Pizza at our house is almost always homemade. For years the boys didn't even know that frozen pizza existed. When they discovered this marvel at Grampie's house one day, they came to me, all excited, and started to tell me about this mysterious food. "Mama we should buy some and take them back to our house!" they told me -- like frozen pizza could only be found in New Brunswick! We have since managed to find some of this miraculous frozen treat at our house, but still prefer the homemade variety.
Movies can be an old favourite or something new. Current favourites include Fantastic Mr. Fox, Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 and Veggie Tales Lord of the Bean. But to carry on the theme of dinosaurs this week, we chose the, new to us, Walt Disney film Dinosaur. The boys seemed to like it and were not bothered by the natural selection scenes. The whole cycle of life is another theme of the week at our house. Yes, Nemo the fish has gone on to a better bowl in the sky -- he didn't even make it 24 hours. Oh well, we'll try again next week.
As an added bonus, and not part of the weekly ritual, the boys are having a sleepover (all the boys in one room). This is partly for fun and partly out of necessity as Owen's room is being painted (more about that next week some time). At last check they were all still awake -- are boys even capable of whispering? --oh, it's going to be a long day tomorrow.
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